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Monday, May 2, 2011

Time saving cooking tips

As I have a routine office schedule, I found some ideas to save time while preparing food. This helps to speed up the cooking process and make it more enjoyable. you also try these ideas and feel much more comfortable with daily food preparation.All you need is one holiday to prepare the vegetables the way i'm gonna tell you and make all kinds of dishes the whole week without getting worried about the time consumed in preparation.I'm gonna tell you some tips on routine vegetables that will save a hell lot of time during your cooking.

1. Onions are an important part of most of the dishes but it takes a lot of time to peel and cut the onions. Moreover you have to face the tears coming out of your beautiful eyes while chopping it.So the best way is peel about 8-10 onions altogether.Cut each onion in two halves.Put them in a bowl filled with cold water for 10-15 minutes. take out the onions and wipe them with a clean cloth. Chop/slice the onions as you wish. You will not find tears in your eyes.
                  Then put 1/2 tsp of oil into a pan and fry the onions till the color changes. Now place the fried onions into aluminium foil. wrap it and place in an air tight container. keep in fridge. This will last for more then 7 days.This will make your cooking faster. even if you wanna pureed onions for some gravy dishes, you can directly puree those fried onions into grinder and use it.

2. Garlic and Ginger are also used in most of the dishes. For ginger, peel off the skin and wrap them in foil paper and freeze it. If you like to add ginger paste into food, then paste thses gingers and keep in an air tight container in fridge. you do not need to buy ginger garlic paste from market.
Same thing can be done with garlic too. As garlic used to give a typical smell, it may cause odour in your fridge. so place the garlic paste into freezer zone and make sure the container is fully air tight.

3. Tomato puree can be made at home and save for 3-4 days without adding any preservative. Wash 10-12 tomatoes. clean it and make paste out of it. add some salt into it and place it in an air tight container. Keep it in fridge.

4. Before putting Green chillies into fridge, remove their stems.This will keep them fresh for long.

5. Leafy vegetables like spinach, Methi, coriander, mint etc. used to loose their color as soon as these are a day old. So for storing them for 4-5 days remove their stems, and wrap them in a newspaper or put into steel containers. It'll make them fresh for long.

6. Green Peas are available mostly in winter season but what if you are feeling like to eat Matar paneer in this hot summar season. just chill. The best way is to buy a lot of Green peas into winter season. Peel them and place the peas into a plastic box or polythene bags and put into freezer and freeze it. You don't need to buy frozen veggies. This will last till the next winter season.

7. Cabbage takes a lot of time in cutting. so as soon as you buy cabbage cut the whole the way you like. Place in a net bag and keep in fridge. It'll remain as fresh as the whole cabbage.

8. Always keep boiled Potatoes in your fridge. Boiled potatoes can be directly mix into each vegetable and cook faster then raw potatoes.

9. For Lemons, you can take out all the juice. strain it to remove seeds and place in a glass bottle. cover and keep in fridge.

10. Cut the french beans into small pieces and place in a net bag. Store in fridge and use it directly.

Now you are ready with your fridge to prepare any kind of dishes ,even on weekdays with the hectic schedule. No matter if your husband invites guests at home suddenly for dinner, now you are all geared up.


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